Metro Safety Council, Inc. was founded for the purpose of helping with your safety and for those that have received traffic tickets/citations and need to save their insurance rates and keep points off of their driving records.

It is unfortunate, but as a driver it can be easy to make a mistake and violate a traffic law and I believe we all have.  As a retired Florida State Trooper, I have written many tickets and, on occasion, I have had the unfortunate task of putting people in jail.  I never regretted arresting and jailing people that commit traffic crimes that endangered the lives of others and themselves.

However, many of us commit violations and may not have known it was a violation.  Below is a list of a few violations that people may not be aware is a violation.

  1. Driving over the Stop Bar or into the pedestrian crosswalk is the same as running a traffic light.
  2. Speeding up going through an intersection or to beat a caution light.
  3. Changing lanes in an intersection.
  4. Turning right on a red light or stop sign without stopping.  Where there are traffic cameras, you must stop for at least 5 to 7 seconds prior to making your right turn or you may be charged for disobeying an official traffic control device.
  5. Entering a school zone from a side street and not realizing the speed limit is in effect because there were no school zone signs in that location.  This one is more common that you might think and needs to be addressed by the proper authorities by posting more signs.
  6. Allowing something to stick out the driver’s side windows that is more than six (6) inches.
  7. Allowing something to protrude more that four (4) feet from the rear of a vehicle without a red flag.

Click here to read Florida Traffic Statute 316 for the charge as listed on your traffic citation: 2020 Florida Statute Search Results (  The statute number is listed on your traffic citation.  I highly recommend reading the statute.

Over the Road Truckers can be fired if they receive even one traffic ticket because of the insurance rates charged to the trucking company.  There is hope.  If you are a trucker and received a traffic citation in Florida, call us at: (863) 875-5772 or e-mail me at   I will provide you with some helpful information that hopefully will be of value and save your job.

Thank you for using our services.  Serving you is our goal and our pleasure.

Obey the law, but go beyond the law and practice traffic courtesy.