Alcohol and Drugs

Driving While Impaired is governed by Florida Statute 316.193.  Driving impaired, whether it is with alcohol or drugs, is one of the most dangerous actions any driver can commit.  Even some over the counter medications contain alcohol and taking some prescription drugs can impair a driver to the extent they can be arrested for Driving While Impaired. 

When it taking any drug it is suggested that before getting behind the wheel of a vehicle follow the instructions of your doctor.  Instructions are given when taking drugs that could impair driving ability not to operate machinery when taking this drug.

Most people believe that a couple of beers will not affect their driving ability and that is not true.  When a person’s alcohol content reaches a .08%, they will be charged with driving while impaired.  The .08% is not the legal limit, it is the illegal limit.  What is not understood is depending on test required by a law enforcement officer, a person can be charged with a lower percent of alcohol.

Even when a persons is to sick to drive, the driver may be charge with an offense, not necessarily driving while impaired.