Advanced Driver Improvement Course

The Advanced Driver Improvement Course is when a driver is required to take an advanced course because of more sever violations and not allowed to take the Basic Driver Improvement course.

This course may be ordered by the court or the State of Florida’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

The course requires the driver to take this twelve (12) hour course.


A description of each of the classes are provided to assist in choosing the correct course.  Please read the description.

The GREEN BAR at the end of each description will take you to the class of your choice.

At the end of the course log out and then log back in to print your certificate.  Please print two (2) certificates.  Turn one into the clerk of courts or, if required, to the State of Florida.  Keep a copy of your completions in the event of a problem.  If it is mailed, send it by USPS Returned Receipt to insure the proper agency receives your certificate.

Basic Driver Improvement Course

A driver that receives a traffic ticket for a moving violation (speeding, running a traffic light or sign, etc) may elect to take the Basic Driver Improvement Course.  This course will remove points from the drivers record and help save an increase in insurance rates.

This is a four (4) hour course and consist of eight (8) sections.  A driver can finish a section and log out.  To re-enter the course, just input your user ‘s name and password.

A driver with a traffic violation can take the Driver Improvement Course once in a year (12) months from taking the course) and five (5) times in a life time.

Intermediate Driving Course

The intermediate Driving Course is required by the court.  The course is designed for the drivers that the court feels need a more indepth course due to the driver committing a sever violation of law.

The course is for eight (8) hours.

First Time Driving Course

A new driver that is seeking a Florida Driver’s License for the first time is required to take the First Time Driving Course.

If a person is a new resident in Florida, they may be able to obtain a Florida Driver’s License and not be required to take this course.  It is best to check with the tax collector in your county, the Florida Highway Patrol or the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.  A new resident has only a short time to obtain a Florida Driver’s License and may be cited if it has not been changed.

This is a four (4) hour course.

The two links below are to help a new driver in Florida pass the written test and the behind the wheel road test.

Use this link to study for the Florida Drivers test.

Use this link to study the movements to pass the Florida Behiind the Wheel Road Test.